Before you follow!

I tend to usually spam on my Instagram stories or do the opposite whenever I feel like it. Because of them you will find that I have some.... questionable humor. I will probably send you Instagram reels or tiktoks if we're mutuals/friends, so if you don't want that to happen please lmk! I ALWAYS misspell on purpose and type on all caps, but if needed I can tone it down, although talking in a formal tone sometimes feels weird,, to me at least. I might forget to reply to you or have no motivation to talk, so sorry if my responses are late sometimes! Same thing applies when you post stuff too :(. In Instagram stories, I might make inside jokes and reference past events that I have experienced that not a lot of people understand so some stuff will be seen with no context. I usually talk about Alessandro and Reaverse(I am insane) so sorry if that's annoying. I might talk to you on discord or instagram about dumb shit. I might unintentionally be pretty harsh at times, so I'm really sorry if I'm rude to you,, even if I do it jokingly or without knowing, I have no bad intentions!!! Please tell me if you write dates as d/m/y or m/d/y,, although I'd still prefer if you say the month as its written(...idk how to explain but basically 1st May you get the idea).Tone tags aren't needed but I don't mind them!
Read my dni

Art credits: Allevanss(instagram) (thank you rwinnie hehe :33)